So, yesterday i joined momi n dady, bawa adik2 main air di Boulevard. Seronok juga tengok dorang enjoy their fun time...teringat masa i kecil2 dulu, manade benda2 mcm tu...nak main air pun, terpaksa tunggu masa cuti sekolah...balik kampung..tapi i think, during my times itz more fun..ye la kan, di kampung boleh mandi sungai sampai badan jadi kaler purple, main tarzan, baling2 lumpur, terjun dari pokok..thrilled lagi la berbanding budak zaman sekarang..hehe
Masa tunggu dorang main air..sempat la kitaorng 3 melepak bincang2 mcm mana nak jadi kaya....muahahahah (IM JOKING OK....;p)
*Pose ala2 manjer momi n dady*
Actually, itz been a while i didnt hang out wit my parent. I meant, sit down n talk to them.. Yup, sometimes we do clash with each other, and i felt that itz so hard for them to understand me..but one things i forgot, they r still my parent. N they do love me as it is...;)
Anyway, i do enjoy my Saturday...thanks mom n dad for making up my days. Love ya...muah!

wow cantik juga tempat tu
ReplyDeletenak pergi la
tu adik ke? comel la
yiha xuen..yup, tmpt tu memang cantik..sesuai for family hang out, n yg speacialnya juga dkt shopping complex...hey, u drop by to kchg la, will bring u down..hehehe
ReplyDeleteyup they r my siblings..except yg pakai cermin mata tu..my kazen..;)
mun org tua boleh masok aik ya, kmk masok dolok!!! dah lah ari panas tok, nyaman mun berendam
ReplyDeleteoh, di boulevard ada tpt tok? wah, hahaha i dont hang out there because the spot is kinda far from town.. mun kamek ada adik beradik kecik kah, nang kamek mbak juak ke sia.. :)
ReplyDeletekak ida..auk eh..marek pun nyaris kmk mok terjun..haha.eksyen rendam kaki lam aik..lam ati, maok jak nerjun dirik. ;p
ReplyDeleteolla felice;yup itz kindda far from town, but demi bebudak..on jak la..;)
ReplyDeletewah, seronoknya main air lebih2 lagi KL ngah panaz bgt nie :)
ReplyDeletewelcome you to join my contest sis.
cute sekali adik2 ktk mandi2 eh...hihi..
ReplyDeleteorite bro..;)
ReplyDeleteivy, hihi.adik kmk jak kiut, kmk sik?muahhaha