olla..brapa ari sik tulis owh..ya lah..got nothing to share.so for this couple of days tgh kumpul2 stories lah ..so..again, im having a great weekends. Laz friday, sidak my aunt celebrated my belated buffday...kira suprise gak la..hehe eventhou dah 3 weeks belated..tapi rasa terharu gak when people do appreciate us..( sorry erk..tak sempat bergambar..huhu), walaupun birthday gurl dat nite, petang tu terpaksa gak nulung orng di dapur..gago la tek..

petang tu sempat gak me blajar molah sup tom yam...yum yum..rupa2 nyer senangnyer..simpan jer smua bahan..then tunggu mengelegak...angkat, then.makan..so next time boleh lah molah dik mpun..beli jak perencah d kedai + d seafood as well..

macam tok lah rupanya..sikit2 ( tok bukan tom yam yg me buat..hehe..copy jer dari yahoo..). Anyway, my weekends dihangatkan lagi dgn kehadiran my fav. couz.. si jen. so when gurl meet up..menjadilah kmkorng..hahaha..gud gurl gone bad..huahuahua..

Anyway..2moro, gonna b another day..n wut had happened today gonna be another memory of my life..till here then, hav a great Sunday, frenz..n chill out ;P
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