Olla....itz been a week i tak meng"hupdate" my blog..tak sempat wei..huhuhu.. yesterday was a holiday, so sempat i "menziarahi" Hopoh, Lea Centre...huiyo..sale giler..nak juling jer mata i tengok kasut2 yg half prize...Neway, Boo got this for me..

Itz simple, yet nice...furthermore, itz only rm 19.90 uuu.....pakai turun ngajar..hehehe..(thot one to get myself heels..mayb laterssss..), Thanks Boo..muah!xoxo
ReplyDeletecute ya... want to go to Lea Hopoh, sik sampei kaki ke sia. Hopefully masih ada good ones tinggal :/
ReplyDeleteivy, yup byk gik nok nice2 sia...hehe
ReplyDeletekak ida..auk byk gilak choice marek, sik terkabey mok becarik..byk gilak orng..
hey i gor one for myself too... masaya kmk gie lea centre langsung xbkenan... so went 2 SOS n got myself hook up on a hill sandal... love it so much n straight took it to cashier... doommmmmmm... tkejut kmk duhal reganya Rm 59.90... mok cancel xjd... beside i like it so much...
ReplyDeletecun sgt
ReplyDeletenanti tayang kat anak murid mesti ramai mahu pakai punya
kak asz huhuhuhu..post kak..mek mok nangga..mun pasal2 shoes tok semangat mek..hehe
ReplyDeletemy dear xuen..yeah.lepas ni sape tak dengar cakap, i pekena ngn kasut nih..hehehe